Electronics DIY blog

DIY is fun and is food for the brain and spirit. Don't be afraid to learn.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Building a CNC - Paint job

Last couple of days I've been sanding and painting the frame and the X-axis to delay corrosion (yes delay...not stop...I don't have the means to do it, but this should suffice since this is going to be indoors). This is the handicap of using regular steel instead of stainless steel for the structure. The good thing is that I will do my hole CNC structure for 40€ worth of steel instead 120€ (or a lot more) in stainless steel.

The painting is quite a tedious task but it's got to be done and that's it.

Here are a couple of shots of the painted pieces.
Sorry for the quality of the pictures but I had almost no day light and my phone does not come with flash.

CNC frame box

CNC X-Axis

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Building a CNC - Y-Axis - part 1

Has I said yesterday today I started building the second arm for my new CNC.

I pre fabricated most of the parts yesterday. So today was about making the remaining parts and assemble them all.

CNC Y-axis arm (pre-fabrication stage)

CNC Y-axis assembled arm (almost completed)

I'm almost finished on this one. I kind of gained some speed because this was almost a question of reproducing a similar X-axis arm with some small changes.

I also painted the X-axis that is completed (forgot to take pictures of that one but I'll show that one tomorrow).

This is going smooth so far but I'll start at work again tomorrow so I'll be back to 20-30 min. construction frames in my lunch time. :-(

Let's see how it rolls from here.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Building a CNC - X-Axis - part 3


After a couple of well deserved vacations I'm burning my last two holidays to try to advance has much has I can on my brand new CNC.

Today I got to pre mount the ball bearing thread and motor so I could weld the supports for the thread blocks.
I all fits very nicelly.
Here is a picture.

Pre aligned transmition thread and stepper motor
This one is almost ready for the paint job to avoid runsting.
I also fabricated almost all the necessary peaces for the other arm so I thing tomorrow I can complete the second arm as well.

Lets see how tomorrow goes.