Electronics DIY blog

DIY is fun and is food for the brain and spirit. Don't be afraid to learn.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Building a CNC - The end (a new beginning)

After a 8 months break I restarted to think on my CNC and the away I could put this puzzle together since I didn't thing the design all the way through.
It toke me about 4 hours to come up with a plan the result was a working CNC :-P.

I actually had to undo a couple of parts I have showned in past posts, and replace others. To make the last parts and since no welding was needed, I used aluminium rectangular tubes (easier to work with).
I've also relocated all the electronics to an old Pentium II PC that I had laying around, and now have a neat single tower PC/Controller solution that I will also show.
In the next posts I'll try to show what I've done to assemble the CNC, what I've accomplished in terms of results, and some of the problems I've encountered and I'm currently fixing/working.

To be continued...